
Hey friends, as a means to get all of my wisdom out to you instead of letting it clog my flow, heres a blogpost I recorded on creativity.

I talk about:

  • the need for foreplay/warm up to get the creative juices flowing
  • how sex energy and creative energy is linked
  • why mindfulness and the skill of improvisation is key to get in touch with your creativity or when you are facilitating a group
  • how creativity is the act of surrendering to the unknown
  • my own creativity and experience
  • how to warm up to get ‘in the mood’ (for creating) (briefly)

At some point I say if we predict it is not creativety, which I am not sure is totally accurate. BUT, what I mean is that if we predict, we are creating based on the past, and then it is not new or original. (to look more into this, look into the works of Dr. Joe Dispenza). And when I mention an author who talks about celibacy to spark creativity, it is Lucy Vittrup.

If you like it, please let me know and share it with people who might also need to hear it. And if there is anything you’d like me to elaborate on, shoot me an email at

Enjoy! 🙂

I'm here to share stories of deep emotions, personal transformation and ponder on the paradox in everything.